Educators attend conference to discuss education in Tennessee

America Achieves is a national group of educators that is committed to helping children prepare for their futures, whether they continue on to college or enter the workforce. According to the organization's website, they accomplish this by helping states and communities leverage policy, practice and leadership in education. As a result, the Common Core State […]

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Grant helps Michigan school district prepare for the CCSS

For many struggling schools, a lack of financial resources is one of the major factors preventing students and educators from reaching their full potential. This is apparent based on how far Michigan's Lee High School has come since its school district received funding in 2010 and 2011. The Grand Rapids Press reported that Godfrey-Lee Public Schools, the […]

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Parents step into their children’s shoes at CCSS training event

Because of parents' busy schedules, officials from Georgia's Norton Park Elementary School were not sure how receptive they would be to attending special classes designed to educate them about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). According to The Marietta Daily Journal, it was not worth worrying, as the recent training event was a success. "We […]

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Kindergarten is now more than just fun and games

In the past, kindergarten at Stedman Primary Elementary School in North Carolina was viewed as playtime, according to the Fayetteville Observer. That is because North Carolina is among the states currently in the process of implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). "You took your mat and took a nap after lunch," Deborah Faircloth, Stedman's principal told the news source. "Now, kindergarten […]

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CCSS implementation leads to new schedule for Maryland school district

When students return to Maryland's Frederick County Public Schools for the 2013-2014 academic year, the school day will be quite different, thanks to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). That is because the district plans to revamp its schedule for students who attend its middle schools, The Gazette reported. In the next academic year, students […]

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