Teachers see the educational benefits of technology

Teachers see the educational benefits of technology

As school districts across the country move closer toward fully implementing the Common Core State Standards, it is not uncommon to see educators increasing their use of technology in the classroom. In fact, a large number of teachers are not only embracing digital resources, but seeing how much they can improve instruction in their classrooms.

To learn about the ways in which educators are using technology at school, PBS LearningMedia recently conducted 503 web-based interviews with pre-K-12 teachers. The company found that 69 percent of respondents believe that educational technology provides them with an opportunity to "do much more than ever before."

At the same time, 74 percent of participating educators said that educational technology allows them to reinforce and expand on content, while the same number of instructors believe the technology can motivate student learning.

"Technology is a critical part of learning and teaching in today's classrooms," said Alicia Levi of PBS Education in a statement. "Teachers today need access to high-quality digital content to keep pace with schools' investment in interactive whiteboards, tablets and other devices to maximize the educational benefits of technology in classrooms."

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