Once states fully implement the Common Core State Standards, the hope is that students in grades K-12 will receive instruction that helps them acquire knowledge and skills deemed necessary for success in college and the workforce. Based on a new report from the College Board, administrator of the SAT, something needs to be done to ensure […]
State funding to help California schools prepare for the CCSS
California schools began the new academic year on a brighter note than other states, thanks in large part to funding from the California Department of Education. Overall, state institutions received $622 million, which will go toward the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. As should be expected, the money is already making a difference. […]
Maryland school district replaces more than 9,000 computers
The new academic year is officially underway in Maryland's Montgomery County Public Schools, with more than 150,000 students returning to classrooms with resources both traditional and technological, The Washington Post reported. New devices, which will help educators become more effective instructors in classrooms aligned with the Common Core State Standards, were brought in over summer vacation. […]
Iowa students perform well on the Iowa Assessments
Any time students have to transition from one type of standardized test to another, there is the possibility their scores will drop. Recently, this was the case in New York City, where pupils took new assessments that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards and received lower scores than educators would have liked to see. […]
California teachers learn about the academic benefits of the arts
Many parents and educators believe that exposure to the arts during students' K-12 careers helps them develop into well-rounded adults. An early introduction to the visual and performing arts has the potential to stimulate kids' imagination and strengthen their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, according to Americans for the Arts. In Sacramento, Calif., one group of teachers that […]
New science standards coming to Maryland
When it comes to K-12 curricula, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts and mathematics tend to dominate the national discussion. However, that does not mean educators are not focused on improving instruction in other academic subjects, such as science. Just as the CCSS are designed to improve K-12 language arts and mathematics education […]
Pennsylvania parents must prepare for the CCSS’ take on instruction
When students began the new academic year in the fall of 2013, they had to work a little harder than they used to. It was not because pupils' teachers were stricter, but the instruction they received on a daily basis was more comprehensive. That is because as of last July, schools throughout the Keystone State […]
Some students still want to learn about cursive
Utah, like all other states that adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), is not required to teach children cursive. For students who do not even know what cursive writing is, this is not much of a problem. However, pupils like 6-year-old Sasha Moore, who attends Copperview Elementary School in Utah, are eager to learn cursive, The […]
Louisiana superintendent takes action to address CCSS concerns
In Louisiana, education officials have been thinking about the Common Core State Standards for some time. After all, the state adopted the CCSS July 1, 2010 and has worked to ensure their full implementation by the 2014-2015 academic year, according to the Louisiana Department of Education. Despite the fact that information on the Standards has […]
New poll reveals teachers’ feelings on the CCSS
As the Common Core State Standards were announced to the public in 2010, the nation's educators have had plenty of time to become familiar with them. Many of the states that have adopted the CCSS have made sure to train their teachers well ahead of their individual implementation deadlines. For example, state deputy superintendents from 37 states said […]