Louisiana superintendent takes action to address CCSS concerns

Louisiana superintendent takes action to address CCSS concerns

In Louisiana, education officials have been thinking about the Common Core State Standards for some time. After all, the state adopted the CCSS July 1, 2010 and has worked to ensure their full implementation by the 2014-2015 academic year, according to the Louisiana Department of Education.

Despite the fact that information on the Standards has been available to the public for several years now, opposition to them has increased in recent months. For instance, The Times-Picayune reported that some parents and conservative groups in Louisiana have been criticizing the CCSS and spreading myths related to them.

For this reason, Kevin George, superintendent of St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools, recently held two meetings designed to address the Common Core. The sessions, which took place Oct. 1 and 2, were open to parents, as many of these individuals had questions about the Standards and what they will mean for their children's school experience.

Based on information from the Louisiana Department of Education website, parents and their children can expect instruction that is more focused, rigorous and relevant once the CCSS are fully implemented.

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