School looks to help students catch up with their peers

Teachers work with students to provide support 

As education reform pushes forward, there is a greater stress upon standardized test scores and how students should be performing for their grade level. As a result, there are a growing number of programs that are geared toward improving standardized test scores.

The Phoenix Academy in Palm Coast, Florida, works to help children who have fallen behind their peers either in academics or socially, according to the Daytona Beach News-Journal.

Although students can enroll in the program voluntarily, the school district typically targets second graders who have demonstrated below-average marks on the Stanford Achievement Test.

One of the ways the program looks to help students is by keeping them with the same teacher for a number of years, as they can help boost academic performance.

"I think the defining factor in that is if you have really high-quality teachers who are able to improve student growth, it is a wonderful model because they have consistency with highly-effective teachers," Frances Haithcock, Florida’s public schools chancellor, told the news provider.

The Stanford Achievement Test measures students from kindergarten to high school in order to track their performance against their peers.


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