Report finds lower cost for the implementation of the CCSS in Kansas

Report finds lower cost for the implementation of the CCSS in Kansas

Despite the fact that the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are designed to better prepare K-12 learners for college and the workforce, there are education officials who have concerns over the cost of implementing such drastic changes to instruction. However, educators in Kansas may be pleased to learn that the cost of transitioning to the CCSS is expected to be much lower than many had anticipated, according to a new report from the Legislative Division of the state's Legislative Post Audit Committee.

Based on the report's findings, it is possible it will cost Kansas anywhere from $34 million to $63 million over the next five years to implement the CCSS, The Associated Press reported. While these figures are still high, they are much lower than previous estimates. For instance, past studies projected that the price tag for transitioning to the Common Core would be between $100 million and $180 million, according to the Lawrence Journal-World.

While some educators may still worry about the cost of the CCSS, others are more focused on what they will mean for students' futures.

"The real cost of this issue is not the textbooks or the ongoing training," Mark Tallman of the Kansas Association of School Boards told The Associated Press. "The real cost is getting students to be successful."


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