ITBS results used to identify students in need of summer instruction

ITBS results used to identify students in need of summer instruction

When students take the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS), they tackle questions related to vocabulary, reading comprehension, math, science and social studies, according to The Riverside Publishing Company’s website. Based on the results of these assessments, teachers get to see how their students are performing and which individuals may be in need of additional instruction.

This is the case with the Clarinda Community School District in Iowa, where scores from the ITBS and Iowa Assessments were used to figure out which students needed to participate in the District’s summer school program, the Clarinda Herald-Journal reported. In total, about 15 pupils from each grade level will take classes between May 30 and June 28.

"I’m excited about the progress that is going to be made in their learning," Gary McNeal, Clarinda’s Middle School principal, told the news source. "It’s a way to help catch up kids who have gaps in their learning for whatever reason."

Students who are selected for the summer program will have to attend classes at Clarinda Middle School two times a week for three hours a day.

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