Grant to help educators better understand middle school math materials

middle school math materials grant

One of the Common Core State Standards' (CCSS) main focus areas is making sure K-12 students acquire the knowledge and skills they need in order to succeed in collegiate settings. For this reason, many professors are well equipped to help elementary, middle and high schools transition toward CCSS-aligned curricula, as they understand what higher education requires of students.

Amy Roth McDuffie, an associate professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning in Washington State University Tri-Cities' College of Education, is among the educators who will soon be able to make a difference in schools' move toward the CCSS, according to the institution's website. Roth McDuffie, along with colleagues from three other universities, received a four-year grant worth $2.2 million from the National Science Foundation.

Using this money, Roth McDuffie and her colleagues will work on a research project, titled "Developing Principles for Mathematics Curriculum Design and Use in the Common Core Era," which will take a closer look at materials for middle school math curricula.

"Math teachers finally have a common set of standards, and now we're looking at how teachers use classroom materials and what resources they need so they teach the right thing at the right time," said Roth McDuffie, in a statement.

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