Some students in Maryland already exposed to Common Core State Standards

Some students in Maryland already exposed to Common Core State Standards

As the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) become commonplace in schools across Maryland, the focus of these institutions’ classrooms will shift from "the how" of instruction to "the why," according to The Daily Times.

The CCSS’ website states that Maryland adopted the Standards on June 22, 2010. Now, schools throughout the state are expected to have implemented the initiative’s new curricula by the 2013-2014 academic year, the news source reported. In Wicomico County, for instance, pre-kindergarten through first-grade math classes are already using the CCSS’ teachings. Additionally, second-graders will be introduced to the Standards in the 2012-2013 school year.

Educators must adjust their instruction to focus more on problem solving and reasoning rather than memorization, according to the news outlet. Ruth Malone, the director of professional development and curriculum for the Wicomico County Public Schools, said that students will be expected to master concepts before moving on to new subjects.

"It will make it very clear what teachers are responsible for teaching," Malone said. "It will be much clearer what students should know at the end of each grade level."
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