CCSS-aligned activity sends learning into space

CCSS-aligned activity

Lessons that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) may be more rigorous than what a lot of students are used to, but that does not mean they cannot also be fun. There is no better example of this than the Great Harrison Wildcat Space Race activity, which students from Ohio's Harrison Junior High School recently participated in, KLTV reported.

Together, Harrison faculty and students worked to get a picture of the Junior High School's logo high above the Earth, with the curvature of the planet in the background. Work on this project was not limited to science class, as teachers from all curricular areas designed lessons aligned with the CCSS to help make this goal a reality.

"If we're all working towards a common goal, that's really what's going to make them successful and help them retain what it is that they're learning," Principal Christian Tracy told WLWT-TV.

With a budget of $150 and 15 weeks to complete the project, faculty and students launched five weather balloons equipped with video and still cameras on January 10, 2013. Once the balloons returned to Earth, the Harrison Junior High School community could retrieve the pictures.


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