California’s Discovery Science Center to host parent workshops

California Common Core Discovery Science Center

Recent research from the Center on Education Policy at The George Washington University revealed that 36 states have provided professional development initiatives related to the Common Core State Standards. However, teachers and other school officials are not the only people who need to be familiar with the CCSS. Parents should also have an understanding of the Standards and what they will mean for the instruction their children are exposed to.

In Santa Ana, Calif., the Discovery Science Center aims to equip parents with the knowledge they will need in the age of the Common Core. The nonprofit organization recently announced that it will host a series of workshops for the remainder of the year to provide kids with effective education at home.

"We believe a strong educational foundation starts in the home and that's why we are encouraging parents to be as involved in their child's education as possible," said Janet Yamaguchi, vice president of education at the Discovery Science Center. "These workshops are a great way for parents to begin to understand 'how children learn' and acquire techniques to help prepare their children for the future."

The first workshop, which was held Aug. 11, featured a focus on the CCSS for English language arts. There will be two sessions every month until the end of 2013.

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