3 awesome TED Talks that focus on education

TED features inspiring videos on many subjects from experts and regular citizens alike. The education genre is full of hot topics where teachers, administrators and students share their experiences with learning and the education system. Here are a few amazing TED Talks for parents to watch:

'How I teach kids to love science' by Cesar Harada
Cesar Harada is a TED Senior Fellow based out of Hong Kong. He discusses how he completely altered his classroom from a typical small, carpeted room to an industrial warehouse. In his new locale, Harada says students are free to learn sciences like chemistry and biology through hands-on activities with wood, metal and power tools. He also makes sure his students follow his mother's rule of cleaning up after themselves.

'How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard' by Linda Cliatt-Wayman
Cliatt-Wayman is a principal at a "low-performing and persistently dangerous" school in North Philadelphia. When she first took on the job, she had a set idea of how to turn the school's reputation and students around. She soon realized that she would need a more extensive and emotionally invested plan. Her TED Talk covers the three principles she utilizes to improve productivity, test scores and student attitudes. Cliatt-Wayman has since used these foundations to change the lives of thousands of kids across multiple schools in the Philadelphia area. 

'Build a School in the Cloud' by Sugata Mitra
Technology is swiftly changing the way teachers educate. How students attend school is also developing globally. Mitra speaks to creating an education experience via the cloud for children in India. He believes in "Self-Organized Learning Environments," which may reimagine the way students think and learn through the use of more personalized motivation and lessons.

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