The Common Core State Standards aim to improve educational benchmarks and prepare students for college and careers, but kids won’t get those benefits if they aren’t in class.
Child well-being: Supporting learning in Common Core schools
Students’ well-being is a big part of their schooling, and when they aren’t emotionally supported, they may not meet their full potential.
A look at the graduation gap between minority and white students
The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to prepare every student for college and careers.
Finding freedom for English teachers
The Common Core State Standards are more like guidelines than strict rules.
Seeking STEM in schools
According to the U.S. Department of Education, the number of U.S. jobs available in STEM fields will increase between 2010 and 2020.
Majority of teachers not engaged
According to a Gallup poll, only 30 percent of teachers are engaged with their work.
Most students have positive outlooks for the future
Sometimes, the secret ingredients to academic achievement seem many and difficult to address.
More assessments on the way
In 2015, another exam may make its way to the roster: According to NPR, more states are expected to adopt Kindergarten Entry Assessments this year.
The important role of school libraries
Here’s a look at how libraries and librarians serve students in K-12
Gearing up with Common Core test prep
Here’s a look at how students can get ready for Common Core testing over the next few months.