The importance of good hygiene at school

Any public place where a lot of people gather is bound to be teeming with germs and smells. When that locale is full of young people, it's even more likely to carry unfortunate odors and unfriendly hitchhikers like pinkeye. As kids turn into teenagers, they go through puberty, which comes with growth and a flood of hormones that makes bodily hygiene important. Here are some tips to make sure your kids are clean for school:

Provide necessary products
Teens can benefit from using an arsenal of hygiene products. Their skin and hair will grow more oily than they are used to and need extra washing. To prevent acne and help their hair look good, ensure your teenagers are washing their faces every day and sudsing their hair several times a week. Body odor is another big change that many young adults have to adjust to. To make sure they smell peachy keen, offer up deodorants your kids can apply in the morning before school and after gym or sports practice. 

Promote bathing
Kids are likely to require baths because they have food on their mouths or played in the mud. Teens, on the other hand, should bathe to remove sweat and bacteria that builds up over time. How often a teen showers or bathes should depend on his or her level of activity and the season. People tend to require more frequent washing when it's summertime or if they are on sports teams. Some young adults shower every day while others don't sweat or smell as much and may wait a day between bathing.

Good hygiene isn't just important because it improves self esteem and helps teens look and feel good. Being clean is also much healthier as it helps kids avoid getting sick from the many germs lurking at school.

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