6 things students should do their first week back at school

Students across the country are heading or will soon head back to school, so now is the time to prepare. No matter what grade your child is entering, he or she will face more difficult work and new social situations. In fact, many schools have by now fully adopted the Common Core State Standards, which have proven to be more challenging than other standards. That means you're kids can use all the preparation they can get before classes begin. If your children are about to get back into the swing of things, help them out by following these tips:

1. Buy an assignment notebook
Many schools provide their students with free assignment notebooks, which are essentially calendars filled with plenty of space where students can write down what their homework is. If your child's school does not give these away, consider purchasing one. Assignment notebooks are organizational tools that will help your student remember what homework is due when. 

2. Create a homework space
With school comes homework, and your kids will need a space in which to complete it. Their working area should be free of distractions and near necessary supplies, such as pencils and paper. Consider setting up a desk specifically for your child that's away from TVs.

3. Get supplies ready
Your children will need folders, binders, pencils and pens to take with them to school, and you want to make sure they have these supplies before the year starts. Some teachers may ask their students to buy specific supplies, which you won't know about until classes have begun. But you can predict and purchase the basics. Take your kids shopping with you when you pick out supplies – letting them choose their folders may help get them excited for the new school year. 

4. Encourage communication
Teachers educate students about a specific subject, but they are also there to provide guidance. Your children should feel comfortable asking questions both inside and outside of class. Encourage them to communicate often and openly with their teachers, especially if they need help. Asking for extra clarification on a topic is easier when students already have talked with their teachers. 

5. Become familiar with the Standards
Because many schools have implemented the Common Core State Standards, the curriculum your children use may look a little different this year. Consider brushing up on your Common Core knowledge so you'll know what academic goals your children will be expected to achieve by the end of the school year. 

6. Start the routine
Have your children follow their school-year schedule now, before classes begin. That means giving them a bedtime and waking them up early. Doing so now will help their bodies adjust so they aren't groggy the first week of school. 

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