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Common Core to provide more focused classroom lessons

Currently, students enrolled in institutions within the Concordia Parish School District are trying to tackle too many subjects in class, said Rhonda Wilson, president of the Concordia Parish School Board, according to The Natchez Democrat. However, the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is expected to provide a solution to the problem these […]

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California school kicks off testing season with a day of fun

Currently, the California Standards Tests (CST), a part of the California STAR Testing Program, are on the minds of many students and teachers across the state. Every spring, second- through eleventh-graders prepare for and take the CST, which assess their knowledge of reading, writing, history, science and mathematics, according to the California Department of Education. Taking the […]

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Illustrated dictionaries to help English language learners meet the Common Core

Between 1980 and 2009, the number of school-age children who spoke a language other than English at home increased from 4.7 to 11.2 million, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. With so many students considered to be English language learners (ELLs), it is expected that some of these youths may have some difficulty […]

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Children’s publisher to introduce Common Core-aligned book series

In addition to schools across the country, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is also having an effect on publishers of children's books. Among these companies is Kingfisher, a part of the Macmillan publishing group. Publishers Weekly reported that the widespread adoption of the CCSS influenced Kingfisher to introduce a new line of illustrated children’s […]

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California aims to improve literacy rate with month of reading

Since 1998, March 2 has been Read Across America Day, thanks to the National Education Association. In order to help students perform better on California STAR Testing Program assessments, the state will take things one step further with the establishment of Read Across California Month. After students in California finish reading along with the rest of […]

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Longer school day expected to help students gain Common Core skills

The Chicago Public Schools’ website states that students who attend classes at these institutions spend 15 percent less time learning than the average public school student in the U.S. To rectify this situation, several city schools volunteered to extend their academic day by 90 minutes. Some time has passed since this education initiative began, and […]

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Maryland schools restructure their daily schedule for the Common Core

On June 22, 2010, Maryland adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Now, like many other academic institutions across the country, middle schools in Howard County are making curricular changes to better align with the CCSS, Elkridge, Maryland’s Patch website reported. For instance, the news source stated that all 19 Howard County middle schools will […]

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