Helping your child de-stress after finals

Finals week is often full of panic. Your kids may be rushing around writing papers and studying for Common Core subject tests that account for a huge part of their overall grade. Once they get through all the tests and projects, reward them with some relaxation. Here are some tips for helping your children de-stress once their finals are over:

Your kids likely won't receive grades on all that important schoolwork for a few days. That doesn't mean they won't be worried about it while waiting! Help them celebrate getting through that last week with a family gathering. Consider going out to eat at a favorite restaurant or cooking a fun meal at home. You can even invite your kids' friends over to have a bigger bash where everyone can finally relax, laugh and have fun!

Get active
Exercise is a way for people of all ages to forget about their worries and get happy! When your heart rate goes up, your brain releases endorphins, which naturally lift your mood. Exercising as a family is a great way to get everyone moving and promote healthy habits. Plus, it'll help get rid of that post-finals stress. You don't have to go to the gym together. Instead take your kids to walk the dog, play tennis, get down with Dance Dance Revolution or head out for some winter activities like cross-country skiing. Being active should be fun, not a chore – you don't want to give your kids more anxiety!

Drink water
For many people, caffeine is a staple during the madness of finals. Coffee and sodas are often full of sugar, not to mention loaded with caffeine, that can seriously dehydrate your body. To catch up on water intake, encourage your children to avoid caffeinated beverages and stick with the original H2O. The Mayo Clinic recommended drinking about eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. You can include decaffeinated teas in this quota if you really like drinking herbal options like chamomile or fruity tisanes as these are just as hydrating as water. Because the human body is made of about 60 percent water, people need to replenish what they lose everyday. When your kids are hydrated, they'll feel more energetic and happy – two things that are key to bouncing back after tough finals.

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