Technology is everywhere, and children are being prepped in computer literacy to ensure they are able to build on the qualifications needed for a number of jobs. However, a new study suggests that schools may be on the decline in terms of preparing their students in computer science.
According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, while most schools are teaching students how to use computers, they are not offering as many courses in computer science.
The report found that introductory and advanced placement (AP) courses in the subject have actually decreased within the past five years. Leigh Ann Sudol, a PhD student with the school’s computer science department, said that it’s important that children understand the basic concepts of the technology world.
"Just like understanding a cell in biology class, understanding how a computer works is a fundamental skill for competing in the 21st century global marketplace," she said.
While the authors noted that some schools across the U.S. are offering in-depth classes, the overall picture for computer science is pretty bleak.
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