The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are designed to dramatically improve K-12 education so that students are better prepared for college and the workforce. While the CCSS have much to offer, one of the most appealing aspects of the Standards is the fact that students in each of the 45 states that adopted the Common Core will […]
Teachers receive assistance with their back-to-school shopping
As the summer comes to a close, parents across the country will take their children shopping so they can stock up on back-to-school supplies. However, they will not be the only ones pushing shopping carts down the aisles of their local stores, as teachers also need to stock up on classroom materials. Office Depot, a […]
Technology appears on more back-to-school shopping lists
As portable gadgets like laptop and tablet computers have become common everywhere from homes to businesses, students should not be shocked to see more of them in their classrooms this fall, especially as their schools near the full implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Based on recent data from the American Express Spending & […]
Students nationwide honored by the President’s Education Awards Program
As the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are expected to provide K-12 students with more rigorous instruction, those who excel in CCSS classrooms should be proud of their academic achievements. If they receive recognition directly from the White House, they should be even prouder. It is possible for students to receive recognition for their academic achievements from […]
Some Florida high schoolers to take math courses in new order
Florida is among the many adopters of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across the U.S. The Florida Department of Education believes the CCSS provide students with a career edge and, as a result, strongly supports their full implementation during the 2014-2015 academic year, according to the Department’s website. With implementation deadlines looming, it is a given that instruction […]
Former Georgia Teacher of the Year believes in the CCSS
Pamela Williams knows a thing or two about education. After all, not only is she an instructional support specialist for grades 9-12 in Georgia's Appling County High School, but she was also named Georgia Teacher of the Year in 2011. As a result, she has an opinion on different education topics, such as the Common Core State Standards […]
Idaho school district prepares for more rigorous math instruction
In the past, K-12 students may have been able to coast from one grade level to the next, never fully learning essential math skills they would be expected to build on. As soon as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are implemented in schools, these days will be long gone. The CCSS are designed to prepare students […]
Alabama students to receive waiver from NCLB requirements
The U.S. Department of Education provides states with an opportunity to avoid requirements from the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) so long as they present plans to improve student achievement. Taking certain measures, such as adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), has helped states like Florida, Massachusetts and Utah receive NCLB waivers. In a […]
Report finds that teachers lack adequate training
There is a consensus among the nation's collegiate educators and employers that students are not as prepared as they should be for the challenges that await them after high school. For this reason, many schools are in the process of implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which are designed to equip pupils with the […]
Principal kisses pig to reward students for high CST scores
It is not easy for California educators to get their students fired up about taking the California Standards Tests (CST), which are a component of the California STAR Testing Program. For Casey Kilgore, the principal at Franklin Elementary School, the best way to motivate her students was to promise she would one day kiss a pig in […]